Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hay Fever Season

Has anyone noticed that hay fever season is lasting through the entire summer or is it just me?
Wow!  I’m experiencing allergy symptoms and my immune system is working overtime to keep up!
Essential oils are really great allies for allergy sufferers since many of our essential oils contain antihistamine like properties.
Of course a healthy immune system is first and foremost.  Lowered immunity is the reason we humans contact many health related maladies.  Colds, flu and allergic reactions are often a symptom of lowered immunity.
Enter the world of essential oils. Some examples of essential oils which have antihistamine properties include clove, chamomile, lemon, eucalyptus, geranium and of course lovely lavender, the Swiss army knife of essential oils!
I have two blends that I use regularly as prevention and are definitely a ‘go-to’ when I’m feeling run down.
These blends are Immunity and Lymph Mover and work very synergistically together.
Both contain several of the aforementioned antihistamine oils.
Immunity has Eucalyptus, Lemon and Clove among others.  Lymph Mover contains Geranium and Lemon and other oils.
Lymph is best massaged into the lymph areas which include behind the ears and neck area as well as under arm area and from ankles massaged upward to the groin area.
Immunity is great after a shower and massaged onto bottoms of feet and up the backs of your legs. It’s also great for inhalation.

Stay healthy with Touch of Earth essential oil blends.